Unraveling Gedor's Rock Formation: Exploring Land and Sea
Black and white edit over a long exposure shot of the beach and the rocks formations in it. scattered clouds in the sky.
Sun rays on the sea during the sunset with rocks in the beach
Sun rays on the sea during the sunset with rocks in the beach
the square rock in the sea on a cloudy and grey day
the square rock in the sea on a cloudy and grey day
Long exposure over the sea with rocks bumping out from it
Long exposure over the sea with rocks bumping out from it
Panoramic view of Gedor national park sea reserve: group of small rocks scattering from the sand and in water toward a bigger rock inside the sea. clouds in the skies
The square rock in this Black and white photo
In Gedor National Park's northern beach, a large, square rock stands in the shallow waters, acting as the focal point. Further out to the right, a rectangular rock appears during low tides, revealing more of its shape as it emerges from the sea.
During a stormy and heavily cloudy day, I managed to capture this scene of rock formations:
During another instance, as the sun was setting, the clouds began to disperse, revealing a captivating scene of scattered rock formations:
Thank you all for appreciating! 

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